How Often Should You Clean Your Bathroom?

7 minute read

Some things just happen like clockwork. Like our daily need for a mid-afternoon nap, a midnight craving for salty snacks, and that weekly podcast episode you can’t wait to listen to. When it comes to keeping your bathroom clean, however, 它没有内置计时器来告诉你什么时候或多久需要擦一次.

That brings us to the question: how often should you clean your bathroom? 

In general, 你应该每周彻底清洁一次浴室,以帮助你保持浴室清洁的基线水平. However, there are other factors to consider, 比如你多久接触一次不同的物体表面,家里住了多少人. 利用这些因素来计划完美的浴室清洁计划可以帮助你保证家人的安全 and achieve that clean bathroom bliss.

When to Clean Specific Areas of Your Bathroom

Stepping into an odor-free, uncluttered bathroom to complete your skincare routine, take a relaxing bath, or relish in a spare moment of alone time can be downright restorative. There’s also reason to believe it’s good for your health too. 研究表明,干净的生活空间可以显著降低你的皮质醇水平.1

While other factors can influence your personal cleaning plan, 看看浴室的特定区域可以帮助你确定哪些地方可能需要额外的注意. 

#1 Sinks and Countertops

无论你的浴室水槽和柜台是你早上12步护肤仪式的舞台,还是工作前自我激励的舞台, they likely get a lot of use each day. Water splashes, toothpaste spatters, 而且日常卫生过程中产生的十大彩票网赌平台残留会很快积聚在这些区域.

When it comes to how to clean a bathroom to keep your sinks and counters clean, follow these tips:

  • Daily – Spot-clean with a plant-powered all-purpose cleaner and dry your counters with a towel after each use.
  • Weekly – Spray and wipe down your countertops and sinks with a safer bathroom cleaner to remove any soap scum and buildup.

However often you clean your bathroom sinks, countertops, and other parts of your bathroom, 一定要使用含有更安全成分的十大彩票网赌平台,不要把刺激性化学物质冲掉. ECOS cleaners use safer ingredients like hydrogen peroxide. 这些清洁溶液可以在不损害环境的情况下帮助消毒浴室.

#2 Cabinet, Drawer and Door Handles

把手可能看起来像是浴室整体组件的一个小配件, but they’re one of the most high-touch areas in the room. 

Consider that you touch your exterior and interior door handles every time you enter the bathroom—and you usually touch the exterior handle before washing your hands. Plus, 每次在您的例程中检索存储对象时,您都使用一个橱柜把手或抽屉拉. 

To that end, we recommend cleaning your handles:

  • Weekly -为了保持把手的清洁和光亮,每周至少对这些地方消毒一次.

为了以更安全的方式对门把手消毒,请使用更安全的过氧化氢十大彩票网赌平台,比如 ECOS One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner.

#3 Showers and Bathtubs

We may step out of our shower and bathtub feeling squeaky clean, but our bathing areas deserve some cleaning action themselves. 

Since they’re in close proximity to the area where you clean yourself, these items can get grimy fast. Hard water stains from shower and bath splashing, 随着时间的推移,淋浴和泡澡产生的肥皂渣也会导致积聚. 


  • Daily -在淋浴墙瓷砖和固定装置上喷洒植物动力浴室清洁剂, like the shower head and handles. With a product like ECOS Bathroom Cleaner, you don’t even need to wash it away. Just let the shower water rinse it off next time you bathe.
  • Weekly – Wipe down any glass bath or shower enclosures with a window cleaner to remove germs and unsightly stains. Follow up with your bathroom cleaner to remove any soap scum or buildup.

If you use a shower curtain, you should also clean it regularly. 浴帘和衬垫如果不能很快变干,就会长出霉菌. If you notice any mold or mildew growth, spray it with ECOS One-Step Disinfectant. 让十大彩票网赌平台在衬垫上停留10分钟,然后用清洁布擦去它(和任何霉菌或霉菌). If your shower curtain is washable, 当你开始注意到污渍积聚时,你可能想要把它扔进洗衣机来保持健康, cleanliness, and prevent odors.2

#4 Toilets

和其他家务一样,清洁马桶的次数越多,你花的时间就越少. 如果你注意到顽固的污渍积聚,可以考虑经常轻轻地清洁你的马桶,并进行深度清洁. 

When it comes to how to clean a toilet, here are a few steps you can take to make toilet cleaning simple:

  • Daily – Spot-clean the outside with an all-purpose cleaner.
  • Weekly – Use a plant-powered toilet cleaner to clean the inside of the bowl with a toilet brush. Follow up with a disinfectant to clean the toilet seat, lid, and handle.


  • Prevent long-term stain buildup from germs and hard water
  • Decrease bacteria and mold growth
  • Improve the lifespan of your toilet hardware

When you’re cleaning your toilet, don’t forget to clean the outside, too. While the toilet bowl is an important focal point, dust and splashes that collect on the outside of the toilet can stain grout, discolor your toilet, and damage your hardware.

#5 Floors

Between product spills, sopping wet bath towels, and general bathroom germs, our bathroom floors do a lot of heavy lifting. 保持这些区域的清洁可以帮助消除滑或粘点,减少灰尘和污垢随着时间的推移而积累.

This doesn’t mean you necessarily need to mop every day. Instead, 一些浴室地板清洁技巧和策略可以帮助你在深度清洁之间保持地板光亮.

These steps include:

  • Daily – Spot clean any spills with your all-purpose cleaner. 为了避免湿滑的地方,一定要在淋浴和洗澡后用毛巾擦干任何有水的地方.
  • Every 1–2 weeks -使用ECOS浴室清洁剂清洁地板,防止肥皂渣和十大彩票网赌平台积聚.

#6 Trash Cans

你清空浴室垃圾桶的时间表可能取决于几个因素. 一些变量可能会增加你清理厕所垃圾桶的频率,包括:

  • The number of people in your family
  • The volume of disposable self-care products you use (like cotton swabs)
  • Allergy, cold, or flu season—which can load your bathroom can with tissues
  • The number of people using menstrual products in your home
  • The size of your trash can


  • As needed – Empty the can when it’s full or if you notice an odor.
  • Weekly – Take your trash out at least once weekly. 利用这个机会把你的垃圾桶里面也清洁消毒一下. The best way to do this is by using a safer disinfectant.

Other Considerations for Bathroom Cleaning Frequency

而有些人可能每天都需要给他们的浴室多一点TLC, others might be able to get away with a weekly clean. Let’s break down some examples.

How Many People Live in Your Home?


如果你一个人住在一个只有一间浴室的房子里,或者带着一两个宠物,你可能会比一个四口之家在同样的空间里制造更少的混乱. While messes certainly aren’t guaranteed, 浴室人流量的增加确实增加了灰尘和细菌进入的可能性. 

如果你住在一个超过一两个人的家庭里,考虑增加你的收入 weekly routines to two or three times a week. You can bump up any daily cleaning routines as needed.

Do You Host Guests Regularly?

即使你现在的浴室清洁计划是零星的,而不是定期的, you might be more likely to clean your bathroom before you have company. 

如果你一个人住,在每周读书会之前打扫浴室, family dinner, or girls’ night, that once-a-week clean might be all you need to maintain bathroom nirvana. For a quick spritz before your event starts, use ECOS One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner.

Do You Have Children?

If you have young children at home, 你可能会发现自己比没有孩子的家庭更经常地追逐橡皮鸭子和擦西瓜味的牙膏. But bathroom cleaning is about more than keeping a tidy space. 

It’s also about:

  • Preventing grime buildup, which can lead to bacteria and mold growth
  • 减少与细菌的接触,以免你(和你的孩子)生病
  • Eliminating hazardous situations like slippery floors

To combat these issues and keep your family healthy, you may find that you need to spot-clean more often. For everyday bathroom wipe-downs, try ECOS All-Purpose Cleaner.

No Matter How Often you Clean, Keep it Eco-Friendly

Whether you clean daily, weekly, or can only squeeze in a full-bathroom clean once a month, 有效的十大彩票网赌平台可以帮助你保养你的浴室和你的整个家. 

To ensure your cleaning supports your health and our planet, check to ensure they avoid harsh chemicals and harsh ingredients, as these can harm people and ecosystems alike. 

A few common culprits to avoid include:

  • Chlorine bleach
  • Phosphates
  • Phthalates
  • Formaldehyde
  • Ammonia

与其使用含有刺激性化学物质的十大彩票网赌平台,不如选择更安全的植物动力十大彩票网赌平台 cleaners. Luckily, the ECOS product line ticks all of those boxes:

To meet your bathroom cleanliness goals, choose products that keep you safe, protect the environment, and (most importantly) work.

Use ECOS Products to Keep Your Bathroom Clean Every Day


我们有效的配方和对去除令人讨厌的化学物质的承诺,使ECOS成为满足您家庭清洁需求的完美十大彩票网赌平台线. 我们所有的家用清洁十大彩票网赌平台都是为您和您的家人而设计的.

Find ECOS in a store near you, and give your home a toxin-free shine.


Psychology Today. The Powerful Psychology Behind Cleanliness. 
US Environmental Protection Agency. Safer Choice. 
Cleveland Clinic. Can Your Dirty Shower Curtain Make You Sick?